Underage Drinking Law Case Study

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MILLERSBURG — The owner of a property on which thousands of youth gathered for a Labor Day weekend party, which culminated in the arrest of 73 for underage consumption will not be charged criminally for his role in the activity.
Holmes County Prosecutor Steve Knowling, after reviewing evidence submitted to his office said he elected, instead, to send a one-time warning letter to Clarence White, stating, “It was an appropriate resolution to solve a problem long term.”
In the letter, White, popularly known as “the Party Pope,” Knowling writes, “It is clear that underage individuals (less than 21 years of age) were possessing and/or consuming alcoholic beverages on you party during this time.
“It is also clear and undisputed that you were not
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In reviewing the case, Knowling said, “The focus of the law enforcement was on potential drug trafficking or drug possession, and, in the course of that, it became evident there was underage drinking (which prompted the arrests).”
Laws criminalizing contributing acts are designed to protect underage minors and to protect the public, said Knowling, noting individuals who have yet to mature to the legal drinking age are not able to make wise decisions and there is a greater inability to control binge drinking.
The laws have legitimate roots in the consequences of such poor decisions — drunken driving accidents and other negative outcomes — alcohol poisoning, accidental injury, assaults and sexual assaults — that are fueled by alcohol
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He said his office has taken a strong stance on underage drinking and has, in the past, prosecuted adult hosts of several parties throughout the county. The one on White 's property, he said, is not exempt from the law, especially considering evidence that it was a profit-making enterprise to which young people were drawn for the expressed purpose of drinking underage.
“This situation was a large-scale commercial enterprise with hundreds of underage kids were drinking alcohol. We are not going around looking for it, but when it 's advertised and we know about it, and when someone admits exactly what is going on, we take action,” said Knowling, noting it was only because of facts that may have hindered successful prosecution he elected to address White 's role out of court.
Holmes County Sheriff Timothy Zimmerly, who forwarded the investigation to Knowling and had asked for criminal charges to be filed against White hopes the action taken by law enforcement that night will impact decisions for anyone contemplating such an event in the county in the

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