Essay On Good And Evil

Superior Essays
Theodicy is a term which describes the problem with evil in the world and begs the question, if an all-knowing, all-powerful God exists, why does he allow evil to persist among his followers? This paper will seek to examine the relationship between good and evil and attempt to provide some explanation as to how evil continues to exist in a world in which God is a part of so many peoples’ lives. An argument will be made that evil thrives in modern society not because of any action that God fails to take, but rather because of the fact that God has given us the freedom to choose our own paths and accept the consequences of our actions. Ultimately, those who choose to live good lives will be rewarded, while those who allow evil to consume them will be forced to accept their fate when the time comes.

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The acts of terror on September 11th speak to this, and will always be for me, as well as for many others, one of the most despicable acts of evil in history. Thousands of lives were lost in that tragedy; sadly, many
A DISCUSSION ON GOOD AND EVIL 6 radicalized individuals claimed that these acts were done in the name of their God, and that those who carried out the attacks would be forever remembered as heroes and martyrs. A more accurate description of the events of that day are that a handful of men with pure evil inside of them took countless innocent lives due to a misguided interpretation of the pillars of their beliefs. Jim O’Brien quotes then-President George W. Bush in his article “The Contested Meaning of
9/11” as saying “America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world”. That promise is what those who carried out the attacks looked

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