Polygamy In Different Cultures

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Per James Henslin, “Marriage is a group’s approved mating arrangements, usually marked by a ritual of some sort” (Henslin, 2015). Some cultures have different customs when considering marriage. Western marriages and marriages throughout the world are very diverse. When one thinks of marriage they may think that two people find love and chose to live the rest of their lives together as one. This is not found to be true for everyone. In some cultures, there may be marriages based on romantic relationships or some based on pragmatic relationships. Western marriages tend to be based on romantic relationships following an engagement, and some even practice polygamy arrangements. When researching different cultures some marriages are arranged by one’s family. In today’s society we are also starting to see same sex marriages. When thinking of marriage in our culture one may think about finding that right someone to spend the rest of their life with. We sometimes grow to …show more content…
Polygamy marriages is the custom of having more than one wife. It is not known for women to have multiple husbands, but in some cultures accepted for men to have several wives. Polygamy is often illegal and sometimes not accepted. Some consider polygamy as “cheating”. Women who participates in polygamy marriages often refer to one another as sister wives. These women feel that being a part of this type of arrangement makes life easier for them. They sometimes feel like they have others to assist them with the raising of their children, and keeping their husband satisfied. On the other hand, some people feel that polygamy marriages affect the children and women who are involved. With there being one husband and several wives with several children how can one devote enough time amongst them all. Therefore, leaving the children and wives feeling left out or abandoned. Scorned by society sometimes these families are driven into

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