My Salutatorian Report

Improved Essays
Communication is widely defined as the act of expressing feelings, ideas, or thoughts to someone else. We know the significance of expressing ourselves but it is often more important the effectiveness in which you do so. How we often avoid getting picked on in class or even asking questions, unsure of how effective you are in delivering your message across. How we are usually confronted with formal presentations where you feel your anxiety rushing through your veins, consuming you, little by little. Thus, practice and preparation are essential in effectively delivering a message across whether it is a simple one to one conversation with your friends or a formal speech addressed to hundreds of people.
It was the evening of May 24, 2016, high
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“It’s normal” I thought “everything is going to be just fine.” As 7 o’clock approached, I recited the speech in my head multiple times. I was surprised at how I had managed to learned it by heart with exact detail. By 7:30 pm I was sitting down in the first row, waiting for my time to come. The moment where I had to devour my shyness and nervousness to effectively deliver my Salutatorian speech.
“Now, please welcome to the stage our Salutatorian; Jose Rojas.” Applauses. Then an abrupt silence that allowed only my heartbeat to be heard. Thump, thump. I presented myself confident but as I walked to the stage, I felt the anxiety consuming me. I was sure I was going to trip with my gown and fall face-first to the ground. Making a fool out of myself. My legs felt weak and wobble more and more with every step I took. At this moment, I realized that a third place wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Who was I kidding? I wasn’t
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Sometimes it is even recommended to practice communicating your message in the atmosphere you are going to be exposed to, that way you are not surprised by unexpected outcomes. I might have failed that day, but it is how ultimately determined and tenacious you are that you will be able to achieve your goal. As the future approaches, we will be confronted with similar situations, like talking to your boss or giving a presentation to co-workers, and it is vital to be qualified for them. We use communication everywhere, and it is crucial to human interaction, it is what differs us from another species, so we might as well adopt it as a solid foundation of our

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