The Iliad By Homer

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Can one summarize a story simply based on a title? With Homers The Iliad and the Odyssey, the title is used to convey a message on the tales of power and corruption of Troy. “The Iliad” part of the title means Troy, and the battle over power and control over the city. Many gods fought for the power over Troy including: Agamemnom, Zeus, Achilles, Paris, and Menelaus just to name a few. The problem with one having power over Troy was the arrogance and abuse that preceded. The rulers did not care about the people of the city, or think twice about their actions, all they wanted was a sense of accomplishment. Throughout the book, Homer would constantly note the arrogance the gods showed. “I will never beg you to stay not on my account” (The Iliad 1.210) Agamemnom says to Achilles as arrogance is again mentioned. …show more content…
Another example of “The Iliad” is when Menelaus fights Paris in 3.90 over Helen and her vast wealth. Each god wanted to have power over Troy and everything that came with being a ruler. When Achilles talks to Ajax in 9.790 he shows his hatred for Hector and calls him arrogant. However, Achilles knows that Hector has a wife and kid, but he still wants to fight, which is ironic because Hector did not approve of fights between Greeks and Trojans. Homer over the duration of The Iliad, gives a unique perspective of Hector as a loving, and peaceful guy. For an example, in 9.410 he talks about his wife Andromache and his admiration and respect for her, which is ironic because when she was waiting at the gate of Troy Hector chose to fight, instead of attend his wife and child. Knowing Hector and his arrogant ways, he did not want to go with her because he felt as if the city would perceive him as

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