The Importance Of Ocean Acidification

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Ocean acidification is described by many scientists as a consequence of rapid increase of carbon dioxide absorbed into the ocean. As ocean acidity increases, its capacity to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere decreases. This decreases the ocean 's role in moderating climate change, "they write (Cullinane.1). As serious as this may seem several damaging effects are happening to the oceans as we speak. The most important creatures in the ocean’s ecosystem like coral are being depleted and overpopulation of photosynthetic algae is going overrun the oceans if nothings done. It needs to be addressed to the public as a serious matter in order produce satisfactory solutions to saving the ocean and the creatures within it.
Why should the public care about ocean acidification? Well for
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Their luxuries will significantly decrease due to a copious amount of carbon dioxide emissions from climate change. Starting with the seafood that they eat at this current rate of acidification will dissolve the shells of living organisms within decades (Foy. 1) that contribute to key organisms in the marine ecosystem to most popular seafood that they eat like crab and shrimp. Species that make shells out of calcium carbonate are particularly compromised in acidic waters, where the carbonate ions needed for shell-making are not available. (Leader. 1) Besides the decrease of their favorite food the costal barriers that protect them from hurricanes are decreasing. The barriers are mostly branching coral and sea grasses that can 't cope with higher temperatures and ocean acidity. Subsequently climate change also warms the oceans that contribute to stronger hurricanes and with the diminishing costal barriers will be a deadly combination for people in coastal areas. We could see more disasters like Hurricane Katrina more frequently where people are displaced from their homes and high death

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