The Character Experiment

Improved Essays
This semester for “The Character Experiment”, the first virtue I chose is managing my time. My procrastination has not been my best friend, or my friend at all. I constantly tend to put things off, and don't notice or seem to give much thought to the days that pass by. For example, this homework assignment is due on Friday and it is Thursday afternoon that I am completing the assignment. My procrastination causes stress, anxiety, and sometimes for my works to be turned in mediocre and not to my best extent, possibly even causing for a lower letter grade, which is something I would like to change. The definition of time-management on reads, “ the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively, especially at work.”, which is exactly what I wanna be able to do. To achieve such goal I plan on trying to do my homework and any other tasks on the day of or after it is given to me. I will also be setting alarms and writing notes to remind me of the work. The next virtue I chose to work on is being organized. I won’t say I’m extremely messy or a slob, but there is definitely things I can improve on. To be organized means to have …show more content…
To complete the three virtues to a better me I’ve chosen to stay concentrated and dedicated this school year. Coming to such a great school like Archimedean is amazing, but it comes with its work. According to Google’s Dictionary, concentration is “ the action or power of focusing one’s attention or mental effort” and dedication is “the quality of being dedicated to committed to a task or purpose.”. Since there will be lots of hard work and preparing for college I’ll need dedication and concentration instead of taking the easier way out of things and goof off. To stay dedicated and concentrated I will, pay attention in class, take notes, listen to lectures, stay on track and most importantly, STUDY!!! If I stay concentrated and dedicated I will do very well this

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