The Bronze Bow Essay

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In “The Bronze Bow” is excellent novel by Elizabeth George Speare. The main characters consist of Daniel, Joel, and Jesus. These characters have a big part and they are related or friends. Daniel works in a tribe up on the hilltops and Joel, who Daniel met on the hill walking wanted t join too. All Daniels tribe wanted to do was increase to defeat the Romans. The setting during all of this was Capernaum where Joel and Malthace (his sister) live. Another major setting is Jerusalem and the mountains where Daniel works. When Daniel was younger he was forced by Romans to see his father be crucifixion and ever since that moment he has been looking to seek revenge. In addition to his father’s death was his mothers of natural causes shortly after. The result of that led him into joining Rosh the leader of the Tribe in the mountains, their mission is to eliminate Romans with no respect. Towards the middle Daniel meet a person that could potentially change his life, Jesus. When he met Jesus he was calm and soothing and Daniel didn’t know whether to follow Rosh to kill the Romans or follow Jesus to have peace. Before all of this he lived with his grandmother who was elderly shortly after she sold him to the blacksmith because she was ill. …show more content…
First off, the setting was in Jerusalem which was from the first century. The Jews were forced to be slaves by the Romans and showed how they lived completely different then we Humans do now today. Another example is the characters; in which many were from the Bible. Jesus the son of God was the main character who saved Daniel. There were also many other characters throughout the book Simon and Peter who in the Bible were the Disciples of Jesus. The story line was interesting because it had very intense moments and then slow moments to draw you back in. These things have all happened in the past but we are still being affected by Jesus and his Father God

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