Stoichiometry Lab Report

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The number of moles of hydrochloric acid neutralizes for the three trials (2,4,5) were calculated using stoichiometry. It was calculated for trial 2 by convert 4.88 mL NaOH to L by divide by 1000 mL. Then, to get to mol of NaOH the molarity of NaOH was multiplied by 0.00488. Then to get from NaOH to HCl, the mole ratio 2 HCl to 1 mol NaOH was multiplied by 0.00122. To get the amount of HCl per beaker, 100 mL of HCl was divided by 1000 mL to get 0.1 L. Then, the liters were converted to moles by multiplying by the molarity of HCl. To get the amount per beaker, 0.015 mol of HCl was divided by 5. The number of moles per beaker was subtracted by the amount of HCl for each trial. This procedure was repeated for trial 4 and 5 to get the number of

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