Since Feeling Is First

Improved Essays
"Since feeling is first" and "(in just-)"

"Since feeling is first" and "(in just-) are both written by the same author, E.E.Cummings, and both have great meaning behind them just different topics. For instance, "Since feeling is first", in this poem the author places an idea that is located in each stanza which brings out the true meaning of the poem. both poems have great significance behind them, and also life experiences within them, they were made perfect in the structural form so that one may understand the mood and meaning behind each poem. All four stanzas in " since feeling is first" talk about different events that all relate back to feeling first. For the first stanza, it talks about the arrangement, "since feeling is first, who pays any attention to the syntax" ( E.E.Cummings, lines 1-3) , the second stanza, it talks about time "wholly to be a fool, while spring is in the world"( E.E.Cummings, lines 5-6) ,for the third stanza it talks about happiness,"my blood approves, and kisses are better fate than wisdom" ( E.E.Cummings, lines 7-8) and finally, the last stanza it talks about death," for life's not a paragraph, and death I think is not parenthesis" (E.E.Cummings, lines 15-16). The
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This imagery is the best when it comes down to talking about the occurrence in falling in love. But it's scary when one thinks of the time when a he or she is older and near death. "for life's not a paragraph and death I think is no parenthesis" (E.E.Cummings, lines 15-16) When one encounters all the pros and cons he or she may share, they remember that nothing matters more than the way they feel about each other. That's the true meaning of this poem, and it is shown through the love and encounters people share. Talking about time, kisses, and the arrangement in which they met, the character realizes that all of that isn't as important because he already in

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