Scotch Tape Unraveled

Improved Essays
Julian Monroy
Composition 111-19
Professor Julia Kudravetz
6th December 2014
Scotch Tape Unraveled
There is an overabundance of inventions that have been made or are currently in the process of being developed. From cars to computers, to the simple items such as napkins, pencils, and brooms: these items all have been essential to the way in which we live our daily lives. Often, we forget about the small and indispensible creations that have come to exist which enrich our lives each and every day. One such item that often goes forgotten is scotch tape. Scotch tape has become a common household item that is both sticky and versatile. Many times, one begins to wonder how such a creation was developed or how it’s name came into existence.
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This realization came after “realizing that it would be necessary to coat the entire strip with adhesive, 3M began mass producing masking tape for auto painting and soon went on to make a transparent, or cellophane, tape for general consumer use.” (Schlager, 1994) Scotch tape became a successful product even while the Great Depression was in full force, which was a time of rampant losses for many companies. Scotch tape became a household staple across the country for a variety of reasons. Scotch tape had the ability to allow “workers to repair items rather than replace them, which was of growing importance during the Depression.” (Craft, Quick, 1999) This application would often allow many people across the nation struggling to meet ends meet extend the life of their household appliances and fixtures. Transparent tape became even more flexible in its applications. During the Depression, housewives began to use scotch tape “to cap canned milk, remove lint from clothing, secure bait on mousetraps, and repair cracked ceiling plaster.” (Dollemore, 2007) Of course scotch tape has its common uses such as holding together an old tattered book or helping one wrap a present. Scotch tape could even have some abnormal uses as …show more content…
Recently, there have been recent experiments, which also suggest that scotch tape may have even more uses than the ones we think of at home. Interestingly, a group of scientists “and his colleagues report that surprisingly fierce blows of electrons were unleashed as the tape was unpeeled and its gooey adhesive snapped free of the surface.” (Chang, 2008) This is a fascinating feat for scientists to have discovered from such a common household item. In fact, the same group of scientists “even demonstrated that the X-rays were bright enough to take an X-ray of a finger.” (Chang, 2008) This discovery not only could lead to the development of new technologies but it could also lead to other applications of scotch tape in the medical setting. Another interesting use that scotch tape has is the potential to do something truly astonishing. According to the New York Times, nuclear fusion would be possible

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