Scientific Method In High School

Improved Essays
The scientific method is a process commonly used as a means to research or study a certain problem in order to potentially become a theory. The method uses several techniques in order to study a phenomena and render a hypothesis that can be researched. Research can be done in several different ways. One example, in which is discussed in the textbook, is observation of chimpanzees by Emmanuelle Grundmann.(Jurmain et al 2013-14) Another process is through means of experimentation in order to test one 's hypothesis. Both processes have a means of collecting data so one can logically formulate a conclusion or theory in their experiment. The most important part of the entire scientific method would have to be the hypothesis. In high school, students are often taught that a hypothesis of an experiment or scientific study is a wild guess. In the real world, this is not the case. When testing a hypothesis, it is usually an attempt to falsify a hypothesis. If the hypothesis is falsified, then the study or experiment needs adjustments (Jurmain et al 2013-14) The hypothesis is …show more content…
There are certain studies that can be made that do not require the use of the scientific method. One instance is asking people to take a survey. Using questions as to whether they agree or disagree with a statement or “what do they like better?” are prime examples of a survey. This is what Scott describes as a use of aesthetics or known as a “way of knowing. (Scott 2009:3).” Going back to the religious standpoint, religious knowledge is one way of knowing that does not involve science. Scott uses one example for Christian beliefs based on the New Testament of the Bible. The authors of the books of the New Testament were all inspired by God which would cause those of Christian belief to follow what the authors wrote as truth. (Scott

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