Salem Witch Trial Analysis

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A series of hangings and executions had taken place from June 10, 1692 to September 22, 1962, which was known as the Salem Witch Trials. By examining five documents based on the Trials, I have figured out that that there are multiple events that lead to this major event in history. My analysis shows that the leading causes for the Salem Witch Trial Hysteria were the very little to no evidence made for the case, the unusual ratio between the accused and accusers, and the locations of the accused witches and accusers in the Salem village.

Evidence shows that the accusers did not have sufficient evidence to prove that the people were performing witchcraft. For example, below is an example of an examination:
Examiner - “Hath this woman hurt you?”
Bridget Bishop - “I never saw these persons before…”
Examiner - “They say you bewitched your first husband to death.”
Bridget - “Shook her head”
Examiner - “Why you seem to act witchcraft before us….”
Bishop - “I know nothing of it. I am innocent to a witch. I know not what a witch is.”
(Samuel Parris 105)
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The examiner instead stated that Bridget had hurt another woman, and had made statements that bridget had killed her husband. The examiner did not explain this with evidence. Therefore, this examination was just the statements of the accusers with no solid evidence or witnesses at all (Samuel Parris 105). Document “D” also supports that the people were accused with no sufficient evidence. Charles W. Upham (historian during the time) said that the accusers were losing their control because of their acting. This means that accusers could basically blame anyone they wanted to by just acting. This is why the accusers blamed multiple people. Their good acting was enough for the officials to be able to kill an “accused witch”. (Charles W. Upham

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