Importance Of Space Settlement

Superior Essays
1. Executive Summary
This project describes an orbital space settlement called the ‘Interstellar Terrarium’(IST). It can house upto 50,000 people along with all the necessities. It takes the shape of a cylinder, to which support is given by a framework of strong carbon nanotubes that can bear the pressure of the walls, the atmosphere inside and the foundations for buildings, and thus prevent the walls from getting bowed outwards. The entire cylinder is divided into three concentric cylinders – the storage cylinder, the industrial cylinder (7.5 km2) and the habitation cylinder (9.4 km2). 3 km2 of land is reserved for growing plants, crops and trees. The IST is divided into two segments along the height – the non-rotating segment A (1/3 along the height) and the rotating segment B
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Reasons for building a space settlement
A space settlement is necessary for a variety of reasons:-
• An asteroid impact could become the reason of extinction of the human race, which also happened to the dinosaurs. At that time a space settlement could serve as a base for inhabiting other planets such as Mars.
• Once built, the space settlement shall serve as a base o further expansion into space, because the materials can be processed in 0 gravity, thus saving launch costs.
• It will greatly help in space observation. On earth, the atmosphere and space junk disturb light rays, but on a space settlement, there is no atmosphere to disturb the light rays. Thus, it will not only help to uncover other celestial bodies but also help to detect solar flares and space debris collisions.
• Space tourism will enable the people to enjoy weightlessness, rocket flying and also visit the moon. Also it will serve as a source of income.
• Launching rockets and space probes is easier in 0g.
• It will help to conduct microgravity experiments such as growth of perfect crystals that usually have crystallographic defects on Earth due to gravity. Perfect crystals also serve as better

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