Importance Of Organizing In Health Care Management

Improved Essays
The Importance of Organizing in Health Care Management
A number of major principles exist to support the framework for the formal organization theory, one being authority as an essential principle (Dunn, 2010). Authority can be described as a way of getting the job done by having the right to direct others and give orders (Dunn, 2010). Another primary principle is the span of management also known as the span of control (Dunn, 2010). This principle is defined as boundaries set on the number of people a manager may supervise or the amount of people who report to a manager (Dunn, 2010). When determining the span of management several factors must be considered, such as the competency of the manager and employees, the vicinity of manager and
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One of the main factors is the experience of the manager, and their skill at managing their time among other managerial functions (Dunn, 2010). An experienced manager may have learned and developed processes that allow her to function more efficiently allowing her to supervise more subordinates. Another factors that play into the span of supervision is, the complexity and importance of the work (Dunn, 2010). An example is patient care and documentation in an intensive care unit (ICU) where there are high risk patients and procedures that require multiple steps to perform. The skill of the worker is also a factor that affects the span of supervision (Dunn, 2010). An example of this is, a unit that has an abundance of experienced nursing staff over a unit that is made up of mostly staff new to the unit or department. In a unit that has more a more experience staff, the span of supervision would allow for the manager to supervise more …show more content…
A traditional organization is built in a vertical hierarchical fashion with employees answering to only one manager (Dunn, 2010). Matrix organization diverges into a horizontal aspects of traditional organization (Dunn, 2010). With matrix, employees could be assigned to one manager, but take direction and answer to another as well (Dunn, 2010). Matrix also combines functional and product departmentalization creating a dual chain of command. This can be advantageous because matrix organization can produce an increase in communication and flexibility allowing for several projects to be overseen (Robbins et al., 2010). Disadvantages of matrix organization is it can potentially cause confusion, power struggles, and stress on employees (Robbins et al., 2010).
Staff personnel and line personnel have two distinct roles, yet these role complement each other (Dunn, 2010). Line staff or line jobs have clearly defined responsibilities to accomplish a set goal, whereas staff personnel are the experts in their job, and makes recommendations to the line staff (Dunn, 2010). When staff personnel makes suggestions to line staff, a relationship of superior-subordinate forms between the line and staff roles; this coordinated relationship does not mean one role is inferior to the other, it merely means one role helps the

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