Hitler's Rise To Power

Improved Essays
Jarett Crisman
Analysis Paper
AP Euro
Hitler’s Rise to Power Hitler was the intelligent son. He knew his way around, knew the people he should become close to and what he had to do to become close to them. One thing Hitler did was he started to establish the Nazi party while Hindenburg was still in office. He knew that he needed to get a head start if he was going to make this work. To his advantage Germany lost the war. This made the support of Hindenburg drop dramatically. Hitler fought in the war but as a very low rank. His regiment only trained for less than two months before seeing their first battle field. Hitler escaped death multiple times, more than anyone else. He was awarded two Iron Crosses for bravery. His rank rose to
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Basically Hitler was in charge of the press and propaganda. He was told to keep track of the German Workers Party. Since the treaty of Versailles said they could not have guns, they were called the Workers Party and they had shovels. Hitler saw this party of workers as a stepping stone to reach his political means. Now that his hatred for Jews was basically on a straight sky rocket, he quickly changed his Nazi party from a discussion group to a real political party. They advertized the party in anti-Semitic newspapers. Hitler was in fact still the head of the press and propaganda unit, so it was easy for him to get word out about his Nazi party. The major curve to his success came on October 16, 1919 when he held his first emotional impromptu speech. His great public speaking skills captured the audience’s attention. People talked to their friends and families about it all through Germany. In no time at all, donations started to pour in to the parties coffers. Hitler’s next little mass meetings brought in hundreds of Germans who wanted to hear what Hitler had to say. The Beer Hall Putsch helped the Nazi party get its first national …show more content…
Ever since that moment he offered mentoring and organizational support that Hitler wanted. Basically Eckart became Hitler’s public speaking coach and received money from wealthy donors. Stage 4: Beer Hall Putsch (the failed coup and nation publicity). With Hitler’s strong reputation and great public speeches, he attracted large amounts of people. Hitler attempted a coup in 1923. Hitler marched into Munich city hall and captured the territory. The police heard about this and struck back. The coup failed and Hitler was thrown into prison. While in prison Hitler wrote an influential autobiography titled: “Mein Kampf.” While he was sitting in a prison cell he was writing this book and still building up his Nazi idea’s and he built up a strong following group. People started to believe that Hitler would do great things for Germany. He got the reputation of a person who could make a great sacrifice for his hometown, and country Germany. Not many people read the book, but for the ones who did it greatly inspired them. Stage 5: German Referendum, 1929. German nationalists wanted Germany to continue paying for its faults in the war. Although this failed, the Nazi’s got more publicity by firing up people’s emotions asking

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