Health Care Persuasive Letter

Decent Essays
October, 2016

Dear Members of the United Nations Committee,

I am writing this letter in order to petition for the issue of Health Care in Developing Countries. Many developing countries around the globe attempt to provide a standard level of health care to the population. However, most struggle to do so, because of a lack of resources, facilities and appropriate funds. Consequently, health inequality is quite common and a serious issue facing our world.

Poverty is a major problem and is a direct cause for disparity between Health Care in countries around the world. Most of the world’s health care systems rely on unfair methods for financing health care and services, with the most common being out of pocket payments by patients and their families. For 5.6 billion people living in developing countries, around half of all health care expenses is out-of-pocket. They do not have a Also, more than 100 million people around the world are pushed into poverty each year because of high costs
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This should not be depended on race, religion, political belief, economic and social condition. So why is it so, that most people who live in poverty do not have access to good quality health care? The 1946 Constitution of World Health Organisation, states that all humans have the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Yet, more than 80 percent of people in developing countries rely on local health care for maintaining a high quality of life. Often they attend health clinics which are poorly equipped and do not have full qualified staff to care for patients. There no ambulances or emergency service hotlines. Most often people must walk, sometimes for days, to get decent medical attention. The most astonishing fact is that most people with medical problems do nothing about them because quite simply they cannot afford

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