Argumentative Essay: Gun Sales And Gun Control

Superior Essays
Gun sales and gun control

Guns and crime tend to be used synonymously. But are the two different aspects really associated? Do guns really cause crime and if they do are there laws governing gun sales, usage and control? These are some of the questions that pop up when tackling the issue of gun sales and control. The debate on the same topic is not something new. In 1924, Robert La Follete, who was a presidential candidate, stated that it was the American people’s choice to either oppose or support gun control and to also decide on the conditions of gun ownership in terms of type of gun and kind of individual. It is evident that the debate still rages on to date. This article will attempt to shed some
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The federal government focuses on creation of the critical laws that concern gun sales and gun usage and possession control which in turn affects the entire nation. It is therefore safe to say that the political approach is a key player. There are two major parties in the political arena that are lobbying for and against gun control. These are namely the Democrats and the Republicans. Interestingly, they are also the two dominant political parties in the country. The Republicans have for a long time been supporting the pro-gun movement (Dahl, 2008). This is mainly due to their conservative nature and awareness of their basic rights. They have always been supportive of the National Rifle Association which has been a powerful force in the pro-gun movement. In turn the association has been supporting the Republicans in their political endeavors. They are so supportive of the Republicans that during the 2000 elections, they gave at least 92% of their Congressional campaign contributions to Republican candidates (Tulmulty, 2013). On the other hand, Democrats are known to support gun control. In recent years public support for the Republicans in the gun sales and control since the 9/11 attacks has decreased (Poe, 2010). Both groups work towards winning votes by appealing to the supporting sides of the debate. Republicans seem to be winning in this case as the citizens feel it is within their rights and for their own good that they should not be regulated when it comes to owning a hand

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