Gun Control Persuasive Speech

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Let’s say that a murderer comes into your house, looking to hurt you and your family. How do people defend themselves? Many Americans use firearms to defend themselves. Today, though, there is many Americans that think we should not be able to own firearms. My claim, though, is that Americans should continue the right to bear firearms.

My first reason is because we need to defend ourselves and others. On October 1st, 1997, a student went into his school with a weapon. When the principal heard shots, he ran out, grabbed his own weapon from his truck, and he stopped the student. Also, on January 16th, 2002, a 43-year-old law student went into the school and killed the dean and a professor. As he went on to kill other students, a Sheriff’s Deputy and a police officer stopped him with their own weapons. Finally, on May 27th, 2010, a man with a Magnum revolver went into an AT&T shop with a list of employees to kill. As he fired at an employee, a concealed carrier got his own weapon and stopped the killer. Only one employee was injured.
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The United Kingdom passed a ban on firearms in 1997. Since 1997 to 2014, about 73 people were still killed by firearms in the UK. This number could be smaller if firearms were still allowed. Also, a very strict gun law was enforced in Australia in 1996. Many Australians, though, ignored it and kept their weapons because they felt they should be able to defend themselves. Finally, in Mexico, there is a strict gun law saying you can only have small caliber weapons in your home. Homicide rates in Mexico are higher than the United States, even though we can carry firearms

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