Executive Summary: A Case Study Of The Central Nervous System

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Melinda is a 21yo G1 P0 who was seen for a follow-up assessment. She has been followed for fetal IUGR and the presence of a small fetal stomach. She overall has no obstetrical complaints and has positive fetal movement. She also underwent noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) that returned low-risk male.

On today’s evaluation, she is 29 2/7 weeks by dates and the fetal measurements lag by about 2 weeks with an EFW at the 5%ile by the Hadlock scale. In looking at the individual parameters, the head measurements average out to about 28 ½ weeks or one week smaller than dates. The abdominal circumference is one week smaller than dates, whereas the femur length lags by about 2 ½ weeks. The amniotic fluid volume is normal with an AFI of about 14 cm. The BPP is 8/8 and the Doppler study is reassuring. There is no shunting of the MCA. Again, it appears that a very small stomach bubble is present.
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It is possible that may be there is some type of H-shaped tracheal esophageal fistula that allows the stomach bubble to present and some absorption is occurring maintain the amniotic fluid volume in the normal range but again even with this there usually is polyhydramnios. The exact etiology as to why there is a small stomach bubble is uncertain. All of this was discussed with the patient in detail and her questions were

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