Ethical Absolutism, Ethical Relativism And Ethical Pluralism

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absolutism, ethical relativism and ethical pluralism
Globalization, along with other key factors, helps to rise the corporate power of the firm. It is a process which diminishes the necessity of a common and shared territorial basis for social, economic, and political activities, processes, and relations. Globalization has impacts on not only on the company but also their stakeholders. As when McDonald’s started their business in Asia, people from these countries could get benefits from their products. It helps bring cheaper price to consumers. Even though people in Asian countries see McDonald’s as a convenient restaurant because of the western food, the price are still affordable. However, consumers cannot avoid health risks when they eat fast-food. According to ethical absolutism, everything must be true in all cultures and situations. Fast-food is an unhealthy option, which is true in all cultures. The way the company makes the food and the high calorie burgers and fries, are such non-ethical aspects that affect the consumers’ health.
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Some countries in Asia have a large number of vegetarian people such as India. Ethical relativism, which means all moral commands are different based on cultures, and where they are located, is applied in this situation. McDonald’s added vegetarian burgers to their menu in India. Also, critics about unhealthy options for children were responded by McDonald’s by adding corn soup for Chinese people. McDonald’s seems to be very flexible in giving the best options for all types of cultures. In addition, different countries have different policies. Some countries (the U.S., France, etc.) allow restaurants to display calorie information on their menus; however, some other countries do not allow advertising for fast-food such as

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