Death Of Salesman Willy

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Families have many expectation on some member. As time changes expectation may get higher or lower. When that member fail to live up with many expectation due to many reason, family member’s feel discouraged and feel like they could not guide their family members to start their life in a good direction. As willy Loman getting older it's time to push few family responsibilities to his son Biff because Linda has no ability to help Willy at that generation. But willy doesn’t like to because biff has a such a horrible life that he can not rely on him. As biff couldn’t reach willy’s expectation of him becoming a businessman willy decided to commit suicide and give Biff a new start of his life. “Death of Salesman” is a tragedy about the difference between the loman family’s dreams and the reality of their lives.
Biff and Willy were not very close to each other as they should be between son and father. Willy feels like Biff needs to start putting effort into his life and get a serious job. As Biff is growing up Willy believes that he needs to start making more money. Biff gets annoyed by Willy because Biff doesn’t want to work for a real job, he would like to be free and working in a ranch.Willy is worried because he himself
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It became really difficult for him when anyone other than himself is earning money and he had to be only breadwinner in family because his wife Linda was not able to work outside the home and sons were not serious about their own life. Everyone got a different type of problem that could get them to commit suicide but for Willy it was when he lost his job there was nobody to back him up. When everybody in family went to bed Willy speeds off his car to kill himself, hoping that the insurance money will provide Biff with the new start in life that he so desperately

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