Comparing Kafka's Metamorphosis And Cathedral

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Metamorphosis is an act of change or transformation from one thing to another. While metamorphosis is most commonly associated with bugs, it can occur in humans as well. In both short stories, “Metamorphosis” and “Cathedral” the characters are detached from reality. Gregor possesses anti social characteristics and Bub is ignorant and insensitive. Throughout each story, both characters undergo metamorphosis which inevitably alters their lives. The protagonist of “Metamorphosis”, Gregor Samsa, is projected as a person who dislikes his job, however, is under obligation to support his family. “If I didn't hold back for my parents’ sake, I would have quit long ago, I would have marched up to the boss and spoken my piece from the bottom of …show more content…
To test him, Bub invites Robert to smoke marijuana, and is surprised when he accepts the offer. Robert inhales the marijuana and “held the smoke, and then let it go. It was like he’d been doing it since he was nine years old” (Carver 8). After this, the narrator finally begins to view Robert as a person, not just a blind man. In comparison, the alienation and discrimination Gregor endures, is at its peak. “He remained in this state of empty and peaceful reflection until the tower clock struck three in the morning...Then, without his consent, his head sank down to the floor, and from his nostrils streamed his last weak breath” (Kafk 1189). With Gregor’s death comes a new transformation. One where his family is relieved of a burden and Gregor is no longer suffering. In both “Cathedral” and “Metamorphosis”, the characters’ lives are transformed. By the end of “Cathedral”, the narrator emerges as a better and more accepting person. Encouraged by Robert, Bub no longer depends purely on preconceived notions. In comparison Gregor meets a cruel end after living in pain. Both of these stories can be applied to society to recognize a person’s worth and appreciate them

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