Compare And Contrast Jamestown And Virginia

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When starting a journey to the New World, everyone has a different reason for leaving England. When leaving England, everyone also has different ideas of what should happen when they arrive in the New World. Massachusetts and Virginia are two of the first established colonies, who have two very different stories. The idea of money and power take over one colony, while religion and unity help shape another. The first group of settlers left from England to Jamestown, Virginia. In 1607, with gold and riches on their minds, young Englishmen set off on a journey in to the New Wold. These men landed in Jamestown, Virginia establishing the first permanent English settlement for King James. Bringing young men, with little work experience, only …show more content…
The people aboard that ship were escaping the religious constrains of England and looking for a fresh start. They came together to the New World as a family, knowing that they would never succeed without that fundamental family unity. In addition to the family unity, the Puritans were respectful of each other. While still aboard the Mayflower, the men on board created the Mayflower Compact and a map outlining property lines. The Mayflower Compact was a document stating their new right to self govern, with no outside input from England. The maps were beneficial, in that they set out boundaries, and were to the benefit of everyone rather that than letting everyman decide for himself what is his and have the possibility of a take over. Though the Puritans were thoroughly prepared, they still had their hardships. Coming to the New World was a challenge to everyone, but the Puritans blossomed in creating a working system with an idea of family, unity and religion. According to John Winthrop, they “rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together…” (Doc 1). To their advantage, the Puritans made friends with the Indians. They helped each other, teaching survival skills and sharing goods. The men of Jamestown were not friendly to the Indians, which was another

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