Choice And Accountability In Albert Camus The Guest

Improved Essays
Choice and Accountability Essay
In the short story “The Guest” by Albert Camus it shows how everyone has to make choices and decisions, and these choices will affect the person later on. Balducci a father figure to Daru comes to his house and brings an Arab man giving Daru the orders from the French to deliver the Arab to Tinguit to the police headquarters because he has committed a crime. Daru chooses that he personally does not want to be the one to bring the Arab man to his fat. However, Daru is unsure of what he should do. In this short story, it exemplifies the theme of choice and accountability through Balducci’s obligations, Daru’s decision, and the Arab’s choice.
Balducci a gendarme, a prisoner of obedience to French authority. He chooses to follow the French’s
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Balducci hands the Arab off to Daru giving him orders to him to the police headquarters. However, Daru did not want to be responsible for the fate of the Arab. He wanted the responsibility not to be his, “He was amazed at the unmixed joy he derived from the mere thought that the Arab might have fled and that he would be alone with no decision to make”. (15) He did not want to be held accountable, so he makes the Arab chose his own fate, to either take the path leading to Tinguit, to the administration and police or the path where he would find the first nomads in which they will shelter him. However even though Daru made the Arab choose he felt, “heavy heart making out the Arab walking slowly on the road to prison”. (20) Even though the Arab’s choice leads him to the path to the prison, Daru is still accountable for not following orders because he chooses not to follow the French orders, so he might be held accountable for his decision. When handed off to Daru to be delivered, Daru makes it clear that he does want to make the choice. Daru gives the choice to the Arab, “Now look’, the schoolmaster said as he pointed in

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