Case Study: One Beat At A Time

Improved Essays
One Beat at a Time

September 8, 2008. It was a normal day just like any other.
“Alix, it’s time to wake up and go to school. Hurry, or you will be late!” called her mother Carmen.
“Okay mom, I’m coming.” Shouted Alix in an alert, yet sleepy tone.
Alix got up, rubbed her tired eyes, and began to go through her morning routine. She chose her favorite outfit for a cool, fall day; blue jeans and a sparkly pink shirt.
“ba bum, ba bum, ba bum” her heart beat on. After lacing up her tennis shoes, she selected her morning cereal, ate, and packed her school bag. “Goodbye Mom, I love you” called Alix as she ran out the door. “I love you too Alix. I will see you after school” said her mother.
Little did anyone know that Alix would not be coming
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She was intubated and hooked up to a machine that breathed for her. After she was somewhat stabilized they ran an infinite amount of tests to try to figure out what was going on. The doctors finally reached a decision and diagnosed her with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or HCM for short. HCM is a hereditary heart disease that causes a thickening of the heart. It slowly develops over time and makes it harder and harder for the heart to squeeze and release correctly. HCM is often found in athletes who pass out and die suddenly while competing. It is not an easily detected illness and has close to no symptoms; that is why Alix seemed like a normal, healthy child and no one saw this …show more content…
Alix was far from fine. It was unclear how long she had been unconscious and without oxygen flow so she could potentially have brain damage. She had also developed pneumonia due to aspirating in the helicopter. Along with that, she could possibly have another cardiac arrest at any moment because her heart was so unstable. She was far from in the clear and there was a lot of doubt and uncertainty. When Alix’s parents reached the hospital they were told by the doctors that she would most likely not make it through the night. If she did miraculously survive, she would remain in the hospital for months trying to recover. Alix was currently the sickest child in the whole state of South Dakota at the time. Her parents were devastated and did the only thing they could at the time, pray. That long, agonizing night was frightening, but Alix was a fighter and she made it through. Now it was a waiting to game to see if she would wake up and if she would be

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