Cartesian Dualism In Biomedicine

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The relatively recent development of effective diagnostic methods in Western biomedicine correlates with the concept of Cartesian dualism as well as the socialized shift towards the communication of the body figuratively as a synecdoche . The power of the mind in comparison to the body has led to a substantial change in the methods used for treatment; instead of relying solely of medicalization , clinicians have placed a significant amount of emphasis on the acceptance of the patient’s own potential in recovering. Subsequently, the communication of diagnosis and treatment altered to adapt to the self-fulfilling mindset . Biomedicine has not merely influenced patients and doctors; however, the impact expands from the modernization of treatments …show more content…
Instead, the response of patients and the outcome of treatment are influenced greatly by the sense of belief (Brown, 2010, p.133). The phenomenon of belief is supported by the concept of the mind as a separate entity of the body which is more commonly referred to as Cartesian dualism (lecture notes). The mind, including the thoughts, mood, and even subconscious feelings, whether it be the clinicians’ or the patients’, will inevitably influence the outcome of treatment. Thus, the methods of diagnosis have shifted in Western medicine to accommodate for the affect the mind may possess. Due to societal agreement of the mind as an independent form from the body, there is a subjective distinction between the living and the dead (Brown, 2010, p.216). Society’s standard of the definition of living has shaped the concept of death in biomedicine. Cartesian dualism may also explain the concept of the Placebo effect in that the mind is primed to throughout a person’s entire life to believe certain cultural aspects. Furthermore, the Placebo effect illustrates that though the mind and body are idealized as independents, they may have the ability to alter each other . The mind, when persuaded by society, oneself, and the clinician, will intern react in a way that will have an effect on the body as a whole. However, since the effects of medication differ …show more content…
However, when compiled with concept of the body as a system of parts and mechanics, it becomes perceivable the development of Western medicine is due to a combination of both assumptions. By exploring the shifts through the history of Western medicine, the emphasis that is placed on culture and human’s nature to act a social body has redefined the methods of biomedical treatment positively as well as negatively (Brown, 2010, p.188). The medical stigmas that society constructs hinders communication; yet, clinicians counteract this dilemma by creating simplified ways for patients to comprehend the information. Most of biomedicine cannot be improved without a few limitations. However, with the vast advancements in technology as well as knowledge, the assumptions of functional body in relation to biomedicine are becoming better known concepts and reliable treatments at an exponential

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