Anaerobic Exercise Analysis

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Anaerobic and aerobic exercise were determined to effectively influence muscle oxygen uptake at the cellular level. Evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of the two types of exercise on oxygen uptake would inform the advantages and disadvantages they have on muscles. Significant amounts of oxygen are consumed by the human muscles when moderate intensity aerobic work is performed. Contradictorily, anaerobic exercise causes the body to break down stored glycogen in muscles for energy. Therefore, oxygen availability, biological factors, and exercise intensity are factors contributing to muscle oxygen uptake. Oxygen uptake by muscles during aerobic exercise is affected by the convective and diffusive components of the respiratory system. …show more content…
Exercise economy is the amount of oxygen required to maintain movement. Hunter et al. (2008) studied changes in muscle strength and flexibility after performing various resistance exercises, such as jump squats, bench press, and sit-ups, and found that as muscle strength increased there was an increase in glycogen stores in muscles. Glycogen is a type of substrate that can be converted to energy when oxygen supply is insufficient (Hoppeler and Weibel 2000). Stored energy in muscles can then be utilized for both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Moreover, Albracht and Arampatzis (2013) reported that resistance training paired with endurance training increased tendon stiffness as well as improved running economy. Running economy is the amount of energy required to travel a certain distance. Conversely, Mann et al. (2014) discovered that sprinting on the treadmill resulted in high post-exercise oxygen uptake and slow heart rate recovery. A slow heart rate recovery indicates the amount of oxygen needed for the body to return to its normal state. Ideally, a fast heart rate recovery shows that the body is functioning at the optimum level. High intensity anaerobic exercises typically cause high post-exercise oxygen uptake because the body is incapable of providing adequate oxygen during the physical activity. However, prior entering the Krebs Cycle, the insufficient activation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) prevents pyruvate from converting to acetyl coenzyme A. The deficiency of PDC inhibits the Krebs Cycle and thus limits the amount of oxygen produced. The Krebs Cycle is a complex series of reactions that living organisms use to produce energy. The result of this phenomenon causes certain muscle groups to not be able to reach maximum oxygen consumption after heavy exercise (Bangsbo

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