Ambition In Macbeth Research Paper

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Shakespeare has many recurring themes throughout his works. One particularly noticeable theme is ambition. While it is generally viewed in a positive light within the literary world, the absence of ambition is actually rewarded more than its presence in Shakespearean works. Its nature within the Shakespearean world demonstrates that ambition initially may appear to be harmless or well managed but will always spiral out of control and consume the character’s life because it is a tragic flaw. It is a dominant trait that cannot be contained. The stern grip of ambition, once introduced, continues to get tighter because of the proliferating pull of power and status that characters desire. Many of Shakespeare’s characters, particularly within Macbeth …show more content…
After a prophecy stating that he will become king is revealed to him, Macbeth is skeptical until one aspect of the prophecy becomes a reality and he is named Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth’s political ambitions to become king are then stirred to life and his downfall is begins. He plots ways to ensure that the prophecy does in fact come true and is spurred to action by his ruthless wife, Lady Macbeth. She, unlike Macbeth who initially has moral qualms, fully heeds to her own political aspirations and desires and forces him to dispose of King Duncan in order to obtain kingship. The lure of the crown is so great that Macbeth quickly moves from uncertainty to murdering Duncan in his sleep. In Macbeth’s mind, murder is much more acceptable than failing to achieve the crown, demonstrating how much control his ambition has over his entire life. As the play progresses, both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth commit an increasing number of crimes in order to protect themselves. Fearing suspicion, Macbeth orders the murders of Banquo and his son Fleance, and many others. Despite all the criminal measures he takes to protect his possession of the crown, Macbeth suffers his own great downfall and dies at the hands of the noble Macduff shortly after his wife commits suicide. His determination to become and remain king cost him his life and the very crown he committed so many atrocious acts to obtain. He went from pondering the possibility of becoming king to murdering anyone in his way and being willing to do anything in order to keep his crown, demonstrating how his ambition spiraled out of

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