Advantages Of Demandingness And Responsiveness In Parenting

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Responsiveness Versus Demandingness in Parenting There are many advantages and disadvantages to both demandingness and responsiveness. Demandingness provides discipline in a child, while also limiting understanding in some areas. Permissiveness can aid cognitive development, but can also cause a lack of direction in a child 's life. The ideal parenting style is a combination of both demandingness and responsiveness that is called the authoritative style of parenting. The authoritative style of parenting is the correct amount of demandingness and responsiveness. Although both demandingness and responsiveness are important in a child 's development, I believe that demandingness plays a more important role in the child 's development throughout his life span.
Authoritarian Style of Parenting Demandingness is the foundation of the authoritarian style of parenting. The authoritarian is defined as a parent that "uses expressive language, values obedience and traditional values, and relies on corporal punishment and a set standard of conduct to discipline the child" (Winsor, Murrell, &
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The authoritative parent is one that holds his or her child to a high standard, but also gives the child the necessary support to reach such high expectations (Winsor et al., 2014, p. 9). The authoritative parenting style is the ideal parenting style because it is the balance between the authoritarian and the permissive styles. It allows children to have a structured life that teaches discipline, while also giving them the flexibility to think on their own. Although an authoritative parent demands something for the child, they will also provide a reasoning for the demand so the child can understand why he is doing what he is doing. This style of parenting is particularly advantageous because it only takes the positive aspects of the authoritarian and permissive styles of

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